Church of Bob

Welcome to it’s a crazy world.

My name is Bob and I am a first time blogger, a little back story on how I got here.

Those who know me might tell you anything from the he’s the Mouth of the south, to the voice of reason. In some circles I was dubbed the Rev. I think back on it and I suppose they’re all right. I like to think that I land on the side of common sense and I hold truth as my greatest asset.

I was cured of lying somewhere around 11 or 12 years old. I’ll spare you the details, let’s just say it hurt, real bad. That was the last time. I don’t think my parents really thought this through, because the truths that came out weren’t quite what they were ready for or really wanted to hear.

As life went on I slowly lost my filter and I became what I still am today. So let’s just say I am far from politically correct. The last thing I would do is intentionally hurt someone, but if you engage , you will certainly get the truth, no matter what. I don’t think I am anything special, I’m a regular Joe that loves a rousing debate. I don’t hold any specialized degrees or a sob story that sent me in this direction. Here’s a truth,I was bullied into it by my beautiful wife. She is truly the voice of reason of our family. She is my rock who I can bounce anything off of her and get unbiased response, it’s not always what I want to hear, but it is probably what I needed to hear.

So my thoughts on how this should proceed is an open forum, all subjects are welcome, from Geopolitics to pop culture and everything in between. I am open minded and respectful to those that show me the same. Those who don’t follow common decency polices will see my other side. I’m not the kind of guy who will back down, but if I’m wrong I will take my lumps and make it right.

So bring you’re A game. Let’s have some fun and maybe learn a little something about each other and this crazy world.

30 thoughts on “Church of Bob

        1. You’re right it says anonymous I thought it said Pam I must have seen that name somewhere what am I crazy

    1. Not a chance he’s trying to build a new platform give him a shot hang in there a little bit it’s kind of crazy but it’s worth checking into

  1. You mean there really is no “It’s a crazy world” police ?
    No Jail like in Facebook ??
    Now I feel like Lady Liberty at the top.of the page.
    I Can’t Believe This Shit !!!
    You Go Bob !!!

  2. Mr. Anonymous needs to fill in the name box when replying. 😉
    Either they want to remain anonymous or it’s a Mr/Mrs Anonymous user error.🤔🤔

  3. I will join the church of bob, because the Holy water is brown and on the rocks just the way I like it.

  4. So you know what really grinds my gears? Today I take my three year old today out on a walk on his police car little tikes car and we stop at the gas station and I’m getting him a lollipop and juice box and a older black lady is behind me..My son parked his little tikes car on the side walk, she asks me is that your sons car out there? I said yes, she goes shame on you for raising your child to think that it is okay to be a police officer. I said lady if my son wants to fucking March for black lives matter I’ll allow him, if he wants to be a police man I’ll allow him, he’s fucking three years old…get a grip.

    1. I hear you loud and clear , people should go back to minding their own business. We would all be better off.
      My best to the Jinglebaby!

    1. Well it certainly is your right to say so. After all it’s the Dwyer family mantra.
      Love you Baby!!

  5. So my neighbor just posted that a black female pulled up to her mailbox and put a letter in that said verbatim “dear you racist mother fucker take down the flag or we will burn it down sincerely black lives matter FUCK DONALD TRUMP.
    Because they are flying a Donald trump flag in their yard.
    It is illegal to put something in someone’s mailbox if you are not a mailman… and if this mans flag gets burnt down or sets on fire I know for a fact he is armed. Let the games begin

    1. People aren’t like us, they are angry and not for the right reasons. Haters will be haters and if you hate because of their actions you are no better than the cop that started this. The best reaction to a hater is a smile, it makes their heads explode. To me that’s satisfaction to the 10th degree

      1. It’s just purely despicable, because if someone sets foot on this mans property and sets fire and he shoots he will be called a racist and charged… meanwhile his neighbor is black and they bbq together

        1. Yes it’s despicable, but stoop to their level you are no better, but don’t get me wrong a mans home is his castle and the action he takes although it may justified, he will have to live with it for the rest of his life. Let’s be candid the anger is mostly millennials and they are to stupid to realize that people are wound tight

  6. Вс — с 09-00 до 15-00 Регистратура общая (Мельникайте 89а): +7(3452) 56-12-12 © Кунцевский лечебно-реабилитационный центр 2020 Со временем симптомы патологии будут усугубляться. Последствия импотенции: бесплодие, стресс, тревога, низкая самооценка, проблемы в семейных отношениях. Чтобы избежать осложнений, при первых симптомах эректильной дисфункции необходимо записаться на прием к урологу. Нашли опечатку? Выделите фрагмент и нажмите Ctrl+Enter. Задайте Ваш вопроспо телефону! © 2021 ТСН У женщин при сахарном диабете половая дисфункция развивается за счет повреждения капилляров и нервных волокон, которая приводит к развитию атрофических изменений, сухости в половых путях. Возможно появление неприятных или болевых ощущений во время половой близости. Ища информацию о том, как вылечить импотенцию, многие мужчины наталкиваются на зарубежные препараты и средства, усиливающие эрекцию и половое влечение в целом. Необходимо понимать, что единого и одинаково эффективного лекарства не существует, а самолечение может нанести еще больший вред здоровью. Важную роль играет соблюдение мер профилактики, это поможет максимально оттянуть эректильную дисфункцию. Самостоятельно выбрать и купить препараты для повышения потенции вы, конечно, можете, но для гарантированного избавления от проблемы потребуется врач и его заключение. Препарат Диэнай – серебряный призер конкурса “100 Лучших товаров России”. Купить БАДы Диэнай можно без предоплаты, – в нашем магазине Вы оплачиваете свой заказ при получении. Мы продаем БАДы Диэнай не только в России, но и за рубеж. Например, использовать капсулы для приема внутрь нельзя, если есть проблемы с печенью. По этой же причине барсучий жир нельзя давать детям первых 3-6 лет  жизни: их печень не готова справиться с усвоением компонентов продукта. Важно! Здесь мы не будем рассматривать БАДы для потенции, для них мы создадим отдельный обзор. Также мы вообще не будет рассматривать таблетки-лохотроны, такие как «М-16», «Молот-Тора» или «Волшебная палочка Гарри Поттера» – подобные сосуды с физраствором не приносят людям ничего кроме убытков. ?? Интернет-магазин занимается продажей только сертифицированных товаров для всех видов животных – качество гарантируем! Для возврата достаточно того, что производитель установил на свой товар гарантийный срок. Обращаясь в сервисный центр, вам нужно предъявить неисправное изделие и документ, подтверждающий покупку (кассовый чек).

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