Trump and America
My thoughts on this debacle going on in America are We need a disrupter in chief Financially America is in a real bad spot. We need someone to look at the overall financial picture of…
Who can honestly say that the billions that are being spent in the Ukraine couldn’t be better spent here in America. ????!
Has our country lost its way
I’m finding it hard to believe that there are people out here that don’t take the time out to think critically, to be the devils advocate So I guess if you made in this world…
I’m Back
To all that follows this blog for whatever reason, Cheers!! I am ready to write and will later this evening. A lot of crazy shit is going on in this crazy world. Church of Bob
The globalist are making their move
It’s there best chance to advance their socialist ideology. When you install a babbling idiot puppet into the most powerful seat in the world you have the edge needed to chip away at our republic.…
Republicans against President Trump
Get your heads out of your ass Or put a D after your name You are the ones that we don’t hear from anyhow because you are afraid of your cushy job robbing your constituents.…