
You can’t handle the truth..

Truth is Michelle Obama is a man, it’s a truth that was held back from the American public by the party that claims to be all inclusive

The party that’s going to bring us back to normal.

Another truth Joe Biden does not possess the mental acuity to run this country.

Please, I don’t care what side of the fence you are on, you see it. They put a man in the White House that is the laughing stock of the world.

Why? because Orange Man Bad.

Meanwhile the world is smelling weakness and are circling the wagons. They have already told us to our face that America can no longer stand on our status as a super power.

Truth, the Manchurian has weakened the USA in 6 weeks.

It won’t stop here because there is no shame in there game and couldn’t possibly admit that this administration is lost and all they can do is blame. It’s shameful, it’s taking the greatest Nation in the world and putting it on the global stage to divvy it up to the highest bidder and because of their hatred of one man.

Lets call it what it is, it’s Psychosis , you can not characterize it any other way.

These people are destroying the country.

So kiss my ass you ignorant psychotic assholes you got what you wanted. Open Borders, job killing policies and higher taxes to come.

So tell me again that this is what America needs a government that is more concerned about gender than foreign policy???

Kiss my ass for the second time to all that voted to destroy a nation. Good Job!!!

Church of Bob

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